The Open Day of the Płońsk Forest District: “The Blooming Gardens” and “The Blooming Gardens Run”
“The Blooming Gardens” is the name given to The Open Day of the Płońsk Forest District. This event has been happening for the past 9 years and always takes place at the forest nursery in Kuchary Leśne. Every year it brings together a growing number of nature lovers and people who enjoy open air recreation.
A large number of attendees are runners, because almost since inception an integral part of the celebration is “The Blooming Garden Run”, co-organized by the Piotr Sękowski Runners’ Club from Płońsk. The label “Run” is misleading because it includes several tracks on different distances and for different ages and levels of ability. It also incorporates a Nordic walk that has won the hearts of many Poles. The runs include a 10 kilometer one where participants come from several different counties and a 3000 meter accompanying run for men, plus another one for women. There are also three tracks for children: a 600 meter jog for ages 12 to 15, a 350 meter for ages 8 to 11 and a jog for kindergarten kids up to 7 years of age. There are about 3000 runners who participate in all of the activities.
However, “The Blooming Gardens” celebration is not just about running. It is also an event whose main goal is to promote knowledge about the forest and the foresters. To that extent, an open air game is organized and it is called “Doors to the Woods”. The participants learn about different types of trees, flowers and shrubs from different continents. With some help from experts, they study their cultivation and buy plants. Every year one of the main attractions is a bonsai, or miniature tree, exposition where growers explain the intricacies of cultivating such miniatures.
Lovers of traditional hunting, animals, or simply the curious ones gather together by a stand exhibiting falcons to watch a hunt demonstration featuring these birds. Physical fitness, among other skills, is tested in running, practice of dart throwing and group games played on open air courts. For spiritual enrichment, participants can admire nature, take part in painting workshops, or listen to poetry recitals sometimes given by the authors. Since physical activity is consuming and one does not only live by spiritual endeavors, there are also demonstrations of hunting cuisine and tasting of food prepared using wild game.
All these pastimes are experienced by several hundred participants who bravely abandon the comfort of their homes, resign from TV watching and resist smartphone use. Everyone enjoys the open air activities in good company and surrounded by nature.
Location: Kuchary Królewskie, Sochocin municipality
Date: May
Organizers: National Forest – Płońsk Forest District
Contact: Płońsk Forest District, ph. 23 662 4515, www.plonsk.warszawa.lasy.gov.pl
Managing authority of the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020 - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Website developed by the Local Action Group - Friendly Mazovia Project "What a village is a different song" co-financed by the European Union under sub-measure 19.3 "Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities with a local action group" covered by the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020.