Strawberry Festival in the Załuski Municipality
The Załuski and Czerwińsk by the Vistula river municipalities form a “strawberry land” whose limits extend beyond the area of the “Friendly Mazovia” Local Action Group. Every year after the harvest, a “Strawberry Festival” is organized to highlight the pivotal role that the crop plays in the municipality. This event gathers inhabitants of the Załuski municipality as well as many guests. In 2019, the 11th edition of the festival was held on sports grounds in Karolinowo.
It is worth mentioning that every year the festival features well attended concerts of popular music and performances by the youngest inhabitants of the Załuski municipality. These are kids from the kindergarten “Little Bear” and a bilingual, non-public International Elementary School from Karolinowo.
The promotion of activities undertaken by the municipality inhabitants is growing. In the latest edition of the Festival, a new element was incorporated, namely a vocal concert “The Notes from Załuski” performed in two age categories. The first featured elementary school students from grades 0 to VI, and the second, middle school performers from grades VII and VIII as well as students from high schools up to 20 years of age. The competition was a great success and was well attended by family members and guests. “The Golden Strawberry” prize funded by the mayor of the Załuski municipality and awarded for the first time in 2019, underscores the concept of local engagement. The main idea behind it is to promote people, organizations and institutions that thanks to their involvement, activities and daily work, greatly benefit the municipality and its inhabitants.
Several institutions and organizations have their own booths at the Festival and these include the Association of Women from the Załuski municipality, the Association of Women “Karolina” from Karolinowo, the Society of Friends of Załuski, the Association to Promote the Development of Kroczewo and Vicinity, the Voluntary Firefighter Brigade in Załuski, the Mazovian Centre for Agricultural Support, and the Farmers’ Insurance Agency KRUS, among others. At these booths, one can find delights for the body, given the food offer; for the soul, because of the display of local arts and crafts; and for the mind due to the variety of information materials.
One of the traditional elements of the Festival in the Załuski “strawberry municipality” is the competition in strawberry hulling, once again, performed in two age groups: youth and adult. Every year there are also attractions for kids such as an inflated castle, an inflated slide, a plastic pool filled with balls, pony rides, face painting, and cotton candy treats – a sugary delight remembered by parents and grandparents. Also, pictures with the strawberry puppet are available.
For the older ones, there is disco dancing that lasts until late hours and a laser show that ends the festivities.
Location:Karolinowo, Załuski municipality
Date: late June
Organizer:ZałuskiMunicipal Government
Contact:Załuski Municipal Government
ph: 23 66 19 013; 23 66 19 146
Managing authority of the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020 - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Website developed by the Local Action Group - Friendly Mazovia Project "What a village is a different song" co-financed by the European Union under sub-measure 19.3 "Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities with a local action group" covered by the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020.