Góral’s Cheeses by Wkra River

Few people are aware of the fact that the cheese making tradition in the area covered by contemporary Poland is 7500 years old. The Mazovian region also has a rich and long history of cheese manufacturing. Milk producers in the Płońsk county made farmer’s cheese of naturally curdled milk. For years cheeses were prepared in home kitchens, but slowly the custom disappeared. Today, when a lot of commercially produced food is packed with preservatives, fillers and dyes, traditionally made foodstuff is gaining more appeal.
For that reason Mr. Radosław Góral from a small village Wierzbówiec in the Sochocin municipality came up with the idea of making cheese the traditional way, first one kind and then other types. Initially, he made it for personal consumption and later for wider family circles plus friends. Over time, the number of cheese buyers increased.
Cheeses that are produced on Mr. Góral’s farm are of three types: aged, smoked and whey. He uses cow milk with a goat milk addition. He gets the first from nearby farms and the latter from his animals. These cheeses are sold at the farm and at fairs as part of the rural retail trade.

Góral’s Aged Cheese

Manufacturing Process
Straight after milking, milk is pasteurized up to 60 degrees Celsius, then cooled and combined with rennet. The clot that forms is pressed to release extra liquid and put into moulds. Later the cheese is placed into brine for 4 hours, then drained and rolled in spices, after which it is ready for packing. The final product weighs about 300-350g.

Aged cheeses are available in 4 flavors:

1) Dried tomatoes, basil, elephant garlic and shallots

2)Dried tomatoes, basil, elephant garlic, shallots and chili

3) Red winter savory

4) Green winter savory

However, this list is not final and Mr. Góral is open to suggestions from clients. He also makes cheeses as part of custom orders.

Góral’s Smoked Cheese

Manufacturing Process
Straight after milking, milk is pasteurized up to 60 degrees Celsius, then cooled and combined with rennet. The clot that forms is pressed to release extra liquid and put into moulds. Later the cheese is placed into brine for 7 hours and smoked afterwards. Mr. Radosław mainly uses wood from fruit trees for that purpose. Once the cheese is smoked and cooled, it is ready for consumption. The final product weighs about 600g.

Góral’s Whey Cheese

Manufacturing Process
Whey obtained as a byproduct from the production of aged cheese is warmed up to 90 degrees Celsius. Then, lemon juice is added which causes protein concentration and clotting. The milky mass is placed in moulds and drained for about 10 hours. After that, the cheese is put in small containers and is ready for consumption. Each piece weighs a little over 500g.

Maker: Radosław Góral
Location: Wierzbówiec, Sochocin municipality
Contact: ph. 691 169 780, email: m.goral81@op.pl

Managing authority of the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020 - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Website developed by the Local Action Group - Friendly Mazovia Project "What a village is a different song"
co-financed by the European Union under sub-measure 19.3 "Preparation and implementation of cooperation activities
with a local action group" covered by the Rural Development Program for 2014-2020.